+33 6 07 71 20 36
30900 Nîmes, France
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Discover the Rune Art


Collection 01

Simplicity & Profundity

The collection Simplicity & Profundity is a minimalist approach to space, time, and the human being. Today the collection represents 40 finalized works of art and 70 works of art in progress. This collection gives you the opportunity to reflect on the world around you. It lets your mind access both questioning and discovery. Time is fleeting and it's hard to savor it. Curiously we give more importance to our past and our future, than to our own present. We are used to watching where we are going, and less watching where we are. Therefore I invite you to discover this collection with mindfulness.

Collection 02

Human Imprint

Human imprint is a tribute to humanity, but it also highlights the complexity of relationship between women and men. Differences - of nature as of culture - structure our way of living together. With this collection the artist painter, Klaus Rune, creates 30 paintings in which the body and the artist's hands become one and same thought. A harmony to honor diversity. A universal differential trait, because the human race cannot exist without its double male and female form. This unique concept of ``living brushes`` is a subtle marriage between the human body and art creation. A creation of unique works with a deep respect for humanity.

Collection 03

Faces of Quintion aliens

The inspiration for this collection comes from a secret place in the South of France. On this very special spot, steeped in history and mysteries, the artist discovers traces on the ground presenting circular shapes. These circles remain visible for months without the vegetation growing on them. And in winter, even the snow does not hold on. All of these strange phenomena have led the artist to create a collection of alien faces called: The Quintions. Endowed with supernatural powers, the ``Quintions`` are known to be hypersensitive and creative. They left us an accumulation of symbols on this mythical secret place. The Artist believes they positively care for humanity. So each character gives us a benevolent message from the universe.

Collection 04

Spirit and Matter

Spirit and Matter is a collection of art paintings, that highlights the union between the soul and the human body. With this collection the artist, Klaus Rune, creates 30 paintings, where the right hand of the human body becomes the brush and the link between spirit and matter.

Love and Humanity Rune Art
Collection 05

Love and Humanity

Love and Humanity is a collection of art paintings, which stage the union between love and humanity. With this collection the art painter, Klaus Rune, creates 30 paintings, where the right hand of the human body becomes the link between the artist and art creation. The link between love and humanity.

Collection 06

Good Vibes

The artist, Klaus Rune, comes from Denmark, maybe the happiest country on the planet! A country where positive thinking is omnipresent. The Danish art of living, which combines well-being, comfort, and harmonious cohabitation between individuals, inspired the artist to create the art collection “Good Vibes”. These artworks will surely reveal the mystery of danish happiness.

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