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Sidereal Time

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Collection Simplicity & Profundity

Sidereal Time

Sidereal time is, literally, the time of the stars, and not that of the Sun.

If the passage of the sun defines, between 2 successive noons, the average day of 24 hours, that of the stars defines another “day” of only 23 hours and 56 minutes in solar time.

Time is both long and short. Long because it has lasted for millions of years, short because the one we have is never enough. Time is also slow and fast. Slow for those who are waiting for something, short for those, who are enjoying life. The time is immense and as insignificant as a fraction of a second. It can bring a humain being into posterity and annihilate him in death. Time can erase memories, but it can also revive them.

Do you prefer to experience solar time or the time of stars?


120 x 120 cm

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