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Sexual Speed

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Collection Simplicity & Profundity

Sexual Speed

When it concerns sexuality, as elsewhere, the relationship to time divides.

There are the followers of “quick sex” (supposedly male) and the followers of “slow sex” (apparently more female). Our culture of speed conditions us to prioritize the destination over travel, and sex suffers from this same result-oriented mentality. In other words, the important thing in the sexual act would be the orgasm.

To keep up with the pace, the pharmaceutical industry even invented Viagra, to make men perform well at all times and at all ages. Regarding women, the obligation of enjoyment of sexual orgasm is the same, but science struggles to offer them chemical solutions. In addition, nature has not spoiled us in terms of speed. Because it takes an average of 20 minutes for women to reach their peak of arousal, while men do so in less than 10.


120 x 120 cm

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